Yesterday was another quiet day and nothing moved apart from us, a motorbike, a truck and a couple of lizards. Still mowing strimming  and weeding. This is all so when we return in June we can enjoy the hot weather and the pool and by then it will be too hot to work anyway. It's been too hot midday now and we'be packed up at 12 and done  bit more when it has cooled down in the evening  last two days have been 28 shade  

We are heading home tomorrow and I will then put up a page of all the photos I have taken while we have been here this time.

it is all looking particularly lovely even though it has lost that spring freshness   It was chicken curry for tea then Scrabble  M won and to bed




Wednesday 29 April

Quiet day here. Pleasant working temperature 23 in shade. I started the big chop back. There has been so little rain this winter that I fear there will be some fatalities this year when the hot weather kicks in so the small the plants are the better they might survive.  I carried on with the big cut back and some weeding. M mowed with the new mower which is lighter and more able to deal with the slopes.

The only movements were the bee man who has his hives turned up for a while and a golden eagle soaring overhead this pm  there were the usual two or three vehicles on the track.

Some birds flitting about and butterflies. The cuckoo and nightingale singing loudly.

Roast chicken this evening and too tired for Scarbble straight to bed 



Tuesday 28 April

The 'lawn'

>Arrived Faro airport 7pm yesterday and Peter collected us. We headed home via Aldi to get some overnight supplies and via chicken piri piri for supper. We arrived QV in the dark and found all well.>Awoke to find everything had grown like crazy, as we had suspected it would, so it was a good idea for us to come here for a few days to do maintenance. The 'lawn' is full of wild flowers and the terrace definitely has a 'gone over' look. So there'll be some mowing, strimming and hard pruning to be done by the time we leave on Saturday. While we have been away the wild boar have been very busy particularly on the verge of the back track where there has been a lot of disturbance and they have spread the soil all over the track.>Michael started the mowing and after lunch we went out to:>

To The Post Office

To The garage to see why they have not taken the red van away as promised (coming tomorrow);"

To>Leroy Merlin to buy a new lawn mower - the one we have was purchased second hand at a knock down price 6 years ago and has is slowly coming apart;

To Continente to do 4 days shopping

To The garden supply shop to buy a replacement backpack weed sprayer as the one we have leaks.

To Peter to give him the things we had brought over for him.

So a packed afternoon getting home at 6 pm;The sun went down over the hill at 8.15 so sunset here is now about 8.45;Michael cooked fish supper and to bed.